You Are My All

When I felt really torn, not sure of what I needed,

To the right and left I turned,

And yet I never found it.

Then I heard a still small voice, saying,

"Come, I have what you need."

So then I struggled, and made the choice

To follow You, wherever You would lead,

So now...

When I don't know what to do,

I will turn to You.

You're the answer I'm looking for,

You are my Lord.

And when I don't know where to turn,

I still know what I've learned,

That You are my strength, my comfort,

My song,

You are my all...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Consecration Prayer - Lyrics

Verse 1: Father, why do You love me? There’s nothing worth loving in me. My sins I see, and the pain they cause Thee; why do You love me so? I’ve been astray for too long, I pray to You through this song. I’ve sinned so much, I need Your touch, cleanse me Lord, make me whole. CHORUS: Why You would love me I don’t see, there’s nothing worth loving in me. It’s You that I need, with You I plead; Lord, I would follow Thee. Verse 2: God knows the end from the beginning; I’ll learn the start at the end. Before I see where I will be, He longs to take my hand. I insist I’m going the right way, but don’t see where my path will lead; Yet everyday, God begs me to say, “It’s You I really need.” Verse 3: Jesus, You know I’m a sinner; I don’t deserve heaven with Thee. But You don’t care, You want me there; You suffered and died for me. Create in me a clean heart; renew a right spirit in me. In You I am strong; to You I belong, throughout eternity. Verse 4: All to You I surrender, Thine forever to be. I’ll never let go, for this I know, that You will be with me. “Courage is fear that has prayed.” These words rang loud in my ears. I wasn’t sure if I could endure, but God dispelled my fears. Verse 5: Soon I will enter the battle; I must be strong, Lord, and true. It’s You I seek, for I am weak; Father, I lean on You. Help me be faithful and trusting; Lord, plant my feet on the Rock. It’s You I choose; I’ll not be moved – no matter what the cost. Ending, after chorus: Lord, I will follow Thee! Jesus, You’re everything to me. The world is as nothing compared. I’ll follow You now, You’ve shown me how. You have answered my prayers. O thank You, Lord, for the way You have led me day by day. I choose to live for You now; humbly before You I bow. Taking one day at a time, I give You all of my life. I choose to be dead to sin, and just let You live within! This is my consecration prayer; Lord, I will follow Thee... anywhere.