You Are My All

When I felt really torn, not sure of what I needed,

To the right and left I turned,

And yet I never found it.

Then I heard a still small voice, saying,

"Come, I have what you need."

So then I struggled, and made the choice

To follow You, wherever You would lead,

So now...

When I don't know what to do,

I will turn to You.

You're the answer I'm looking for,

You are my Lord.

And when I don't know where to turn,

I still know what I've learned,

That You are my strength, my comfort,

My song,

You are my all...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Pilgrim's Path - Lyrics

While climbing up the pilgrim’s way in a quest to see the brighter day,
My feet began to slip and fall; I cried unto the God of all:

Verse 1:
“O how can I,” with weary sigh, “go farther up the path?”
It’s getting rough to climb this bluff, and brave the devil’s wrath.
I need some power from above, infinite faith, infinite love.

Verse 2:
“Never fear, child, I AM here,” I hear my Jesus say,
“I will provide, but in Me hide, until that joyful day.
Thou safely can depend on me, I’ll never leave nor forsake thee.”

Verse 3:
But I turned away to His dismay; I feared He’d not be true.
My faith all gone, the days were long, I knew not what to do.
My sorrow deepened to the brim, I felt I could not follow Him.

Verse 4:
But God’s my shield, and He revealed that these were Satan’s lies.
He drew me near, He took my fear, and loosed my heavy ties.
He taught me how to conquer sin, and then asked me to follow Him.

Verse 5:
I will follow Him, though the way be dim, even through the darkest storm,
And by His grace, I shall see His face, on that eternal morn.
Then I shall ever be with Him, never to see pain or sin.

And when my journey is all done, my victory having been won,
I’ll wearing my crown, in triumph gaze down
Upon that pilgrim’s path.