You Are My All

When I felt really torn, not sure of what I needed,

To the right and left I turned,

And yet I never found it.

Then I heard a still small voice, saying,

"Come, I have what you need."

So then I struggled, and made the choice

To follow You, wherever You would lead,

So now...

When I don't know what to do,

I will turn to You.

You're the answer I'm looking for,

You are my Lord.

And when I don't know where to turn,

I still know what I've learned,

That You are my strength, my comfort,

My song,

You are my all...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Jesus the King - Lyrics

Verse 1:
In a stable there was a birth
This child was of most precious worth
The Son of God came down to earth, on that night
Even when Jesus was young
He and His Father, they were one
He was and is the Holy One, The everlasting Light.
Verse 2:
He lived to do His Father’s will
Hungry souls He came to fill
He taught the people on the hill, of God’s love
To the villages He came
To heal the sick, the blind, the lame
To glorify His Father’s name, throughout every world.
Verse 3:
In the garden, Jesus mourned
To a hill, His cross was borne
The soldiers placed a crown of thorns, on the King.
His weary eyes were filled with tears,
But all His love was met with jeers
Although He laboured all His years, Salvation to bring.
Verse 4:
He bore the burden of the cross
Though it appeared to be a loss
He really paid the highest cost, for our souls
In the temple the veil was torn
His body to a tomb was borne
But then one bright, victorious morn, He triumphed over death.
Verse 5:
I say that once I knew Him not
My burden was a heavy lot
With all my heavy heart I sought, for Him
And then my Saviour came to me
He took my sin and set me free
A brighter path He made me see, I shall not return
Verse 6:
Your sins may be as scarlet,
But your soul, He bought it
The battle, He fought it, for you.
So of your burden now let go
Jesus will wash you white as snow
And more grace He will bestow, To keep you free from sin.

Verse 7:
Now death is the result of sin,
But by His grace we can live in
The light the Lord has given, through His word.
Jesus won the victory
That we from sin may be set free
And now He calls to you and me, To let Him reign within.
Verse 8:
Enduring, we will run the race
In His strength, and by His grace
Until we see our Saviour’s face, when He comes.
Jesus will reign eternally
Men’s and angel’s praise will ring
Of His redeeming love, we’ll sing, To Jesus the King